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Tuesday, December 28, 2010


I don't like to get preachy, or really discuss religion - especially in a public forum since everyone has so many different beliefs.  But I am feeling an overwhelming need to post something that actually just happened.

Something recently happened that has been weighing very heavily on my mind.  I tend to allow things to eat away at me, which is something I have been really trying to make a conscious effort to stop doing.  Letting things go is not easy for me, and this particular incident has been very bothersome.

A couple months ago I had signed up to get daily devotionals delivered via email.  I find my day gets fairly chaotic from the moment the kids wake up and I'm not good at just taking a moment to myself.  So I thought getting it via email would just give me that moment to just take a break from the craziness of life.  Well, in theory it was good and actually worked for a short while, but I now have not looked at the daily devotionals for at least a month.

Well, since this incident just occurred and I'm trying to find a way to get it out of my head and move on without it effecting me - emotionally or physically - I thought I should look at today's devotional.  Well, low and behold, today's topic is on forgiveness!  I am always amazed at how the exact words I need to hear when I am having a difficult time are just the words available to me when I decide to look to Jesus for guidance.

I tell our preacher at our Sunday how funny it is that 97% of the time his sermons happen to relate to what I happen to be going through at that very moment.  I still don't know if it happens to be a coincidence or if Jesus is really trying to reach out to me and give me the help that I so desperately need at that time.

Anyway - here is the gist of the devotional from today.  Living a life of forgiveness is an ominous task and not something that just happens.  It is something that we have to really work on and do with purpose.  And although there may be things in your life that you have worked on really hard to move beyond and forgive and have been successful at doing is a continuous process that will always help you grow.

I have forgiven in the past but want to continue to be a forgiver as I meet life's challenges.  Asking grace and inviting Him into the process has, once again, put me in a better place then I was an hour ago. Hurt feelings and bitterness can play such a strong part in stress and anxiety - finding a way to live a more peaceful life whether you are a believer or not is never a bad thing.

I hope everyone has a peaceful day.  :-)

Tuesday Blog Hops

Okay - so these are from Monday...apparently I am a day behind and very confused! :-)

Sippy Cups and Cloth BumsMingle Monday

The "Real" Tuesday Blog Hops!

Busy Mom's Tips Tuesday Blog HopPhotobucketJust Married with Coupons



At December 28, 2010 at 11:42 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

Good, timely, post.
and I don't think one needs be religious to appreciate how beneficial forgiveness can be, but maybe that is because I am 'religious' and therefore think everyone can benefit from things like love, forgiveness, patience, etc..
I'm going to add you to my FOLLOW list!

(visiting from Follow Me Back Tuesday)

At December 28, 2010 at 2:47 PM , Blogger Texas Type A Mom said...

Hi there! I'm a new follower from Totally Tuesday and just started following you! Would love a follow back!

At December 28, 2010 at 7:23 PM , Blogger Alida Sharp said...

Thanks so much for this... I have had a few people in my life that were difficult to forgive. The last time I was with one of them I had to my ask myself if they were forgiven or not. I decided I need to start treating them that way. Living a life of forgiveness is freeing.

Just found your blog and am your newest follower.

Joy & Blessings,


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