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A Mom Having Fun!!

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Tuesday Hopping!

Busy Mom's Tips Tuesday Blog HopPhotobucketJust Married with CouponsPhotobucket


Book Review - Adopted Ed

I am pleased to have been chosen by the One2One Network to review Adopted Ed by Darren Maddern.  Although none of our children are adopted, our twins were conceived using donor at some point an explanation will be necessary.  This book review is in celebration of November's National Adoption Month

Adopted Ed is a simple, and beautifully written children's book with many powerful messages on social pressure and acceptance.

It is based on a little boy named Eddie who is just like every other little boy until some bullies started teasing him about being adopted.  Eddie then talks to his mom about what is being said and she in turn offers words of wisdom and very simple advise which then allows him to deal with the situation and give him the self-confidence he needs.
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Monday, November 29, 2010

Having Fun With Christmas Theme!

Okay, so I figure if my blog name is A Mom Having Fun then I should truly have fun. And, truth be told, I get bored easily! So I've decided to go with a Christmas theme through the holidays! I found some awesome designs through - a really nice variety of free theme's. :-)

I know it's probably not "good" to constantly change your theme...but it really is fun!

Happy Holidays!

Monday Hops!

Make sure you check out my review/giveaway for 5 free one year subscriptions to - a family management site.   - Low Entry

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1. What is your favorite way to eat chicken?  Love Chicken Patties
2. Have you decorated for Christmas yet? Outside is done, we are doing the tree and inside decorations this coming weekend.
3. What is your favorite article of clothing? Comfy pants
4. Do you pay your bills online or write checks the old way? On-line
5. Do you make Christmas cookies? I haven't the last few years because of the craziness of very young children.  Maybe this year...

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Busy, Busy, Busy

Wow, I can't believe how tired I am! It seems we have been moving non-stop since Monday. We've had all 3 kids home the whole week too, so that's been super busy. Megan's school schedule parent/teacher conferences on the Monday and Tuesday before Thanksgiving each year so she's home the whole week. Anna and Ethan are in preschool, they would've had school on Tuesday but the teacher was sick. It's a home daycare as well, so they still had daycare but not school. Which was fine with me, since Megan was home it only made sense to have the other two home as well.

Megan came down with the stomach flu on Tuesday. It seems that every 5-6 days someone in our house is coming down with it. Must be the incubation period. Anna started it, then it was me and last Megan. Poor Megan had it much worse then Anna or I did. Hopefully no one else will be sick here.
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Friday, November 26, 2010 Review AND Giveaway Product Description

AboutOne is an online family information management system; ONE place, accessible anytime, anywhere, from any device, (you don’t have to be at home, and you don’t have to be on your own computer) where in just seconds busy moms can store, secure, and manage household information, including health records, possession details, education records, contacts, and family memories – both text and pictures.

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Friday Blog Hops

Blog Hopping Friday

Smart and Trendy Moms
Friend Finding FridaysPhotobucket


Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving - Blog Hops

Below are a few blog hops I am in today, but also wanted to take a minute to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving. Sometimes through all the stress and the trials of everyday life it can be so difficult to just sit back and be grateful what you do today, of all days, I am taking the time time just be grateful.

  • I, of course, am so grateful for my healthy children and my wonderful husband.
  • I am grateful that we have a roof over our heads and food on the table.
  • So grateful for the men who fight for our country.
  • I am really grateful that I started blogging - just a few months ago, but wow, have met some wonderful women and have been following some beautiful blogs.
  • I am also grateful to feel so welcomed in this community of bloggers and for the followers - I will be starting some awesome giveaways soon!
Have a healthy, safe and Happy Thanksgiving!Read more »

Wordless Wednesday

Ethan, Megan and Anna


Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Tuesday Hops

Busy Mom's Tips Tuesday Blog HopPhotobucketPhotobucketMommying On The FlyJust Married with Coupons

Monday, November 22, 2010

Monday Blog Hops

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1. How many pillows do you sleep with? 2

2. Where will you eat on Thanksgiving? At our house. My husband and I both have small families so we have both sides over at our house. It's a lot of fun and good eating!

3. Would you rather go to a party or host a party? Go to one!

4. How many purses (for the guys..wallets) do you own? Probably more than I should. I have about 10.

5. What is your favorite kind of seafood? I love all seafood. My favorites though are raw oysters, crab legs and scallops.


Sunday, November 21, 2010

A Good Day For Making Friendship Bread

Have you ever had anyone give you a bag with partially made dough and instructions on how to make Amish Friendship dough? About two weeks ago a friend gave us a mixture of this for the Amish Friendship dough - and she gave us some of it to try out last week with a dinner. Let me tell you, if you have not had this bread before - wow, it is wonderful. My husband was very excited about today being the day to make the bread, and since it was a rather dreary day today he got the kids to join in the fun. 

Dad and Ethan putting the dough into the bowl

Ethan mixing the ingredients

Anna and Megan joined Ethan in on the fun

It's baking!

Sorry, no after picture's!  Everyone loved the bread - but were rather scattered around eating their bread.  My oldest had a friend over who was just telling her mom that she wanted some of the friendship bread and her mom said that she can't make more until someone gives her the was her and her daughters luck day.

We kept an extra bag so we can make another batch in 10 days!

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Saturday, November 20, 2010

Weekend Hops

Come hop along and join the fun!

It's OK to follow... it's the WeekendPhotobucket

Just Married with Coupons

Friday, November 19, 2010

Small Living Space With a Big Stink From A Cat?

This is an issue we had dealt with for several years.  We first lived in an apartment about 8 years ago and had 2 cats and then moved in to a house.  We have a smallish house - no basement and 1 1/2 floors.  We now have one cat but because we do have the litter box in our living space (upstairs bathroom) the smell can be really obnoxious.

We've always cleaned the box out as soon as it was messy but we didn't run the bag out after each cleaning.  It's just not real with kids we are usually trying to hurry and get it done before breaking up the next battle between the kids!  I looked for a long time for something that would be helpful with odor elimination and then found the Petmate.

The Petmate Litter Locker is wonderful!  :)  It's sort of like the Diaper Genie for cats!  The Petmate is a plastic container about 2 feet high, 6 inches wide and 2 feet long...eyeballing not sure if that is exact!  Here is what it looks like:

Under the lid is a refillable bag - so you scoop open the lid, put the waste in and then turn the handle.  No smell!  The refill lasts about a month for one cat and it costs approximately $12.00.  Well worth the expense.

I would recommend this unit to anyone who has a small house, apartment or condo who wants to ensure the stink stays where it's supposed to!


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Friday Blog Hops!

Smart and Trendy Moms


Friend Finding Fridays
